How To Be A Writer Your Own Way — Ariele Sieling

 Your Work, Your Way

Too often, we’re told there’s a "right" way to write—specific formulas, structures, and rules we have to follow to succeed. But what if the real secret to how to get better at writing is breaking those rules and trusting your instincts?

In reality, the best stories have come from those who dared to write differently, challenge conventions, and redefine what it means to create.

Because writing isn’t about getting it “right.” It’s about getting it real.

On this page, I’ve compiled a list of posts, essays, and articles I’ve written in my journey to explore what it means to me to be real, authentic, and true to myself as a writer.

If you’d like to get monthly updates on my thoughts about the writing life, indie publishing, marketing, and more, then use this form to subscribe.

You can also delve even more deeply into my exploration in my series for writers called Writers Reach.

And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can email me at ariele[at]


An Unconventional Writer’s Index


Writer’s Reach Series

Writing is more than just words on the page. It's also business, marketing, planning, organizing, and exploring difficult and complex ideas. This series will take you through a range of topics from strategizing to planning to digging deep into the creative life of being a writer.

Which Kind of Writer Are You?

Which Kind of Writer Are You?

Answer the questions below to discover your writer type!

1. How do you approach your writing sessions?

Agonize over every sentence
Write super fast
Explore ideas as they come
Only write when the mood strikes
Write all the time but don’t believe I’m a writer
Juggle multiple unfinished manuscripts

2. What’s your favorite writing tool or resource?

Elements of Style
Pomodoro technique
Bulletin board or calendar
Social media/forums
Whatever works in the moment
Advice from other writers

3. What’s your reading preference?

Literary fiction
Indie smut or fast-paced fiction
Non-fiction and my genre of choice
Poetry and indie smut
A mix of everything
Books recommended by others

4. How do you feel about writing rules?

Follow them carefully
Follow the useful ones, ignore the rest
Curious about them but not strict
Rules, what rules?
Useful sometimes, other times not
I prefer advice from other writers

5. What’s your main personality trait?


6. How often do you write?

Slowly and carefully
Quickly, whenever possible
Every day
Only when inspired
Constantly, but I don’t think it counts
In bursts, never finishing

7. What’s your favorite writing environment?

Quiet, focused, traditional
Wherever I can fit it in
A consistent, familiar space
A perfectly curated setup
Anywhere, as long as I’m inspired
Surrounded by other writers

8. What’s your biggest writing challenge?

Staying consistent
Avoiding burnout
Finding inspiration
Believing in myself
Finishing what I start

9. What do you enjoy most about writing?

Crafting beautiful sentences
Completing projects quickly
The sense of accomplishment
Relaxing in the process
Exploring new ideas
Sharing with others

10. What’s your favorite way to get inspired?

Reading great literature
Deadlines or productivity tools
Sticking to a routine
Being in the right mood
Trying something new
Talking with other writers

Your Writer Type Is: