Ariele's Vlog

Ariele's Vlog: Crossover Skillz

I have developed a ton of skills since I set out on the mission of becoming a full time author. I can now code (at a basic level), do graphic design (intermediate), build websites (intermediate), manage distribution (advanced), do book formatting (advanced), write in a wide varieties of styles & genres (expert), manage social media (advanced), edit (advanced), build marketing and business strategies (advanced), and a wide range of other things. The tough part is figuring out how to apply said skills in a way that actually enables me to make money.

It reminds me of something we used to say when I worked in theatre. A techie without an actor is a contractor, an electrician, or a handyman. An actor without techies is a guy trying to emote on stage, naked in the dark. Lol.

Ariele's Vlog: Beekeeping!

Did you know my dad is a beekeeper? I’ve written some stuff about bees. Have an incomplete work in progress about a beekeeper. Had a short personal essay published in Beekeeping Magazine! Fun stuff.

Anyway, in this vlog, I ramble about my experiences with beekeeping! I miss doing it, and hope at some point in the future to connect with some beekeepers, so I can do some of the beekeeping stuff without all the responsibility. We’ll see.

Ariele's Vlog: Endurance

Sometimes I like to think of writing as an endurance sport. It’s more like running a marathon than a sprint. It’s more like swimming the mile than … one of the shorter ones lol. It’s more like walking for days than around the block. Sure, you can go faster and slower. You might take days off to rest. But ultimately, the real skill is in keeping going. And going and going. And prioritizing your health and wellness. And recognizing that writing is a craft that requires time, effort, dedication, and endurance to grow.

Ariele's Vlog: Brain Metaphors

Honestly, I think about brains too often. They’re the weirdest organ. And baby brains? Growing and expanding and shoving around their skull bones? And two sets of teeth!? Okay, that’s a little different.

But anyway, I have some neurodivergence, and so I am constantly trying to figure out how to cross the gap between the way I think and the way other people think. And sometimes, I just can’t. But I do try.

This ramble goes a bit into that, as well as gives some of my thoughts about how to think about thinking.

Yep. Enjoy.