Monster Encyclopedia: Voro


The voro is small and seemingly insignificant, ranging the size of a human hand, but one of the most dangerous gargs in existence. They are fast and vicious and their main objective is to latch onto a person’s brain stem. They essentially “borrow” the bodies of other creatures and make use of their cardiovascular system, their brains, their strengths. They can use pretty much any body, but can only survive without another body for a couple of weeks at most.

The main problem is that you could meet one and not even know it. It could look exactly like a perfectly ordinary, normal human. They also have surface-level access to the human’s brain, and can use the access to do things like learn the language, or blend into a society by pretending to be the person of the body they’ve stolen.


Voro are amoral. They only serve themselves. They have a basic level of intelligence in their natural form, but when attached to a human, they acquire all of the intelligence of the human, but aren’t affected by human emotions.

Recommendation: avoid at ALL costs.

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Ariele University: How To Plot A Book

Have you ever met someone that could tell you about an argument they had at work and make it sound like an episode of a soap opera? Or someone that could tell you about a squirrel they saw in the backyard and make you wonder what happens next?

Just a few days ago, I was talking to my dad on the phone and he was telling me about how my grandmother’s cat had been such an angel since moving into my parents’ barn. The cat was affectionate and sweet. And then my dad called my grandmother to chat, and the cat happened to wander up while he was on the phone. So, he turned on speakerphone and leaned down to let my grandmother speak to her cat.

I was on the edge of my seat, let me tell you.

Then, the cat bit him!

I almost died laughing. I thought it was going to be a sweet story about how the cat meowed back, or how my grandmother started singing to it or something.

Nope. The perfectly behaved cat, who hadn’t bitten anyone since moving into my dad’s barn, bit my dad as soon as it heard my grandmother’s voice.

It’s a simple plot. Cat moves away from owner. Cat thrives in new environment. Cat hears previous owner’s voice. Cat bites new owner.

What a twist!

It turns out there are plots everywhere. There are plots whenever you tell a story about your day. Whenever you try to explain a dream you had. Whenever you see someone wandering down the street and wonder what they’re doing. Plots when you read the news. There are plots when you look out your window and see two birds fighting, or when your dog does something weird, or when you order your pizza and it doesn’t come on time, plus they put anchovies on it and you didn’t even order anchovies.


Plots exist all around us, and the goal of a storyteller is to make them not only make sense, but also concise and filled with excitement and tension.

As part of my faux master’s degree, I have been studying plot to the point where everything around me looks like a story waiting to be told. I have read through:

  • Save the Cat by Blake Snyder

  • Save the Cat Writes A Novel by Jessica Brody

  • Take Off Your Pants by Libby Hawker (hint: this was my favorite one)

  • The Anatomy of Story by John Truby

  • The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler

  • Story Genius by Lisa Cron

Not to mention, a lot of the more general books I’ve read have sections on plotting as well:

  • Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maas

  • Steering the Craft by Ursula K LeGuin

  • On Writing by Stephen King

  • Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King

  • Magic by Gail Carson Levine

  • Indie Author Survival Guide by SK Quinn

  • Write. Publish. Repeat. by Sean Platt, Johnny B Truant, and David Wright

And the articles! Oh, the articles! Articles on the Snowball Method. Articles summarizing John Campbell’s book, The Hero With A Thousand Faces. Articles on story structure. On outlining. On discovery writing. On conflict and tension and character.

I even taught a workshop on plot.

The thing is, there are hundreds, thousands more books I could read. It’s an endless list, really. And the articles on plot will never stop coming—I’m writing one right now, in fact.

Part of that is because everyone thinks that when they finally understand plot, their way of explaining it is revolutionary. No one’s ever thought of it this way before!

Part of that is because stories change. What we look for and want in a story changes from culture to culture, year to year, era to era.

Part of it is because everyone’s brains work differently, so trying to define exactly how to structure a plot, down to the meter and tone, down to the percentage of the manuscript each element takes up—is never going to be a 100% surefire win.

Here are a few things that I learned from studying plot:

  1. I hate outlining. I’m a discovery writer through and through. Outlining makes me want to scream and die. The most outlining I can handle is a beginning note, an end note, and maybe one or two key things that have to happen in the middle of the story. More than that and I hate the project and want nothing to do with it ever again.

  2. The reason everyone thinks plot is impossible is because they haven’t figured out the best system to fit their own brain around. When I read Libby Hawker’s book on plot, it was probably the fourth or fifth one I’d gotten to. And the only reason I’d made it that far was because it was part of my fake master’s degree and I was forcing myself to keep going. All the others were a slog (and this is coming from someone who loves books about writing). I would read a chapter of one and either almost fall asleep, wonder why I was torturing myself, or think about quitting my fake master’s degree. But then I read her book (really just the first couple chapters was all I needed) and I was like, “YES. This is exactly how I want to think about plot. Thank you.”

  3. There is no one “best” book on or article about or system for plotting. Yes, I liked Take Off Your Pants the best. That does not mean it’s the best book on plot. It is simply the one book that I happened to read, that fit my brain better than the others.

If you want to read a book on plot, I recommend trying several. If you get super bored or hate the world as you’re trying to force yourself through one book, put it down and try a different one. The way that we engage with and understand stories is a very personal thing, so which method works best for you is also going to be very personal.

Okay, but for real though, what is plot and how do you do it?

Now I’m going to prove that I have at least a vague understanding of how plots work by attempting to explain the way I think about it to you.

At its core, plot is nothing more than a sequence of interrelated events. But to tell a good story, we want to include things like characterization, conflict, and tension in a way that is believable (at least within the context of the story), engaging, and interesting.

The triangle is sort of like a road in perspective (see I even put lines in it), and that stick figure at the bottom is supposed to be me lol.

The triangle is sort of like a road in perspective (see I even put lines in it), and that stick figure at the bottom is supposed to be me lol.

One of the things I noticed as I was working my way through books on plot was that I really liked pictures. I really liked the diagrams and visual structures for understanding plot. So I made my own!

My “method” of plot has three pieces. That’s it. Three.

  1. A Character

  2. An End Purpose or Theme

  3. Objectives

I’ll be honest with you. I use this exact same system for marketing, business development, figuring out how to plan my day, and lots of other things.

I told you—plots are everywhere.


Who your character is will define much of the plot.

Your character will have needs. Desires. Internal flaws. And these needs, desires, and flaws are going to drive their decision-making, which will then drive the plot. To construct the most interesting plots, the character should face challenges that they’re not entirely equipped to deal with, challenges that test them, that poke and prod at their weaknesses.

They should fail.

This is a sketch my friend James did of the main character of my Land of Szornyek series. Her name is Askari.

This is a sketch my friend James did of the main character of my Land of Szornyek series. Her name is Askari.

There are tons of articles and books on character development, but I recommend starting with one key piece: their main flaw. The best flaws (in my opinion) are ones that can also be strengths. Take stubbornness for example. Technically it’s a flaw—someone that refuses to change their mind or do anything other than what they want.

However, from a different perspective, stubbornness can look like determination, standing your ground, not letting the opinions of other people or the storms of daily life get to you. It can look like focus, perseverance, and strength.

If the character is wrong about something, stubbornness is a flaw.

But if the character is right about something, stubbornness is a strength.

Either way, stubbornness is an excellent way to create conflict—even though we have no idea what the rest of the plot looks like. Any person that comes into opposition with our main character is going to have to fight her—whether the character is right or wrong about what she believes.

But stubbornness is just one example. Here are a few more possibilities:

  • Confident/Arrogant

  • Humble/Pushover

  • Driven/Workaholic

  • Capable/Always Does Everything

  • Visionary/Impractical

  • Logical/Emotionless

  • Intelligent/Thinks Everyone Else Is Stupid

There are LOTS of possible character traits that are both good and bad. My favorite resources for the are the Positive Trait Thesaurus and the Negative Trait Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi.

End Purpose or Theme

One discussion I’ve heard people having is whether a story should be plot-driven or character-driven, or both. Plot-driven basically means that the story is about the things happening to the character; character-driven means that the story focuses on how the character changes based on what happened to them.

The Maze Runner – plot driven. The Fault In Our Stars – character driven.

Die Hard –plot driven. Citizen Kane – character driven.

(Quick confession: I have seen none of these movies nor read any of these books—I just pulled them off Google lol.)


Of course, it’s possible to have both, and in fact, I think the best stories have at least a little bit of both. Bones is my favorite example of this. It’s very plot driven, in that it’s a murder mystery in every episode. It’s about solving the crime, the Whodunnit. But it’s also very character driven. It’s about Bones and how she grows and develops not only as a scientist, but also as a person—and of course, how all of her friends and associates grow as people. I personally tend to lean towards plot-driven stories.

The truth is, you don’t have to decide whether your book is plot- or character-driven before you start writing.

My recommendation would be instead, to focus on the point. The goal. The endgame.

What is your book about?

Take my book, Tentacles and Teeth. As I was writing the first draft, my overarching purpose was simply to explore a post-apocalyptic world filled with monsters. And when I started writing it, that’s exactly what I did. A new monster every chapter. Action scenes upon action scenes. Details and descriptions about what the world looked like and what it would be like to live in it.

When I did my second draft, I shifted my focus slightly. Yes, I still wanted a world filled with monsters. Yes, I wanted to explore it and develop what that type of apocalypse would look like.

But I also wanted to explore the way we consume information in a sort of insular way, and how that impacts our decisions and identities.

So I fleshed out the characterization of the community my main character grew up in for the first book, and then in the second book, I tossed her out into the real world and forced her to come into contact with other people, which then made her step back and take a closer look at her own belief systems and start questioning what she was raised to think.

This theme continues in the third and fourth book, with the main character realizing that we get to choose the communities we want to participate in, and just because we are told something, doesn’t make it true.


So how do you decide the point of your book?

Excellent question, thank you for asking.

There are three ways to approach it (well, probably more than three, but three that I came up with).

The first is to ask yourself: What do I get out of my book?

For example, perhaps you want to write in a new genre. I started a whole series like this. I wanted to explore the idea of writing sci-fi fairy tales, so I did. Perhaps you want to learn something about yourself or parse out a question you have about life or the universe or everything. Memoir or biography are great ways to explore your own life; or perhaps you are curious about exploring the idea of truth, so you write about a character that only tells lies.

The second method is to ask yourself: What does my character get out of it?

This is especially excellent if you’re interested in writing character-driven stories. If you want your character to grow or change in a particular way, then the question becomes—how are they going to change throughout the course of this story?

For example, in Book 3 of my Land of Szornyek series, my first draft was focused much the same as Book 1 had been: it was really about exploring the widening universe filled with monsters, and looking at the different ways that people were surviving. But something felt off to me, so I went back to review the plot—only to discover that my main character had yet to change. So I shifted the focus and the purpose of my plot. Instead of it being entirely about monsters and survival, it became about her dealing with the consequences of the trauma she experienced in Book 2. Throughout the second draft, I realized that I needed a new endgame: it was no longer about the monsters, it was about Askari. I needed her to come to a particular realization, which is a spoiler and so I won’t say any more. 😊

The third method is to ask yourself: What does the reader get out of it?

It is of course helpful for you to have at least a vague idea of who your ideal reader is if you choose this approach, but even if you don’t, you can still use it as a springboard.

I think romance is an excellent example of this, particularly HEA Romances (Happily Ever After). When writing an HEA, the entire point is to leave the reader with a warm, fuzzy satisfaction at the end of the story. It’s to create a story in which the reader feels connected to the characters, roots for them to succeed in their romantic endeavors, and then feels satisfied when it all works out in the end.

Perhaps your goal is to provide your reader with an escape. Or to take you reader on a wild ride of insanity. To make your reader scared or hopeful or excited. To make them think. You can absolutely start here when choosing your endgame.

Ultimately, the endgame or the purpose of your book can be absolutely anything you want it to be. You can have multiple purposes if you want. You can change your mind about it at any point during the writing and revision process. There really aren’t any rules here, so whatever works for you can also work for your story!


I put this one last because unlike the other two which can be decided simultaneously or whenever, objectives are most helpful AFTER you’ve decided the beginning and the end. Once you’ve figured out who your character is and where they need to go, then you can determine what needs to happen in order for them to get from point A to B.

Objectives can be viewed in several different ways. Some people outline every single detail, parse out every action, and decide every conversation before even starting in on drafting it, even down to calculating the percentages each section of the book should be. If you’re a plotter, then this is probably your preference.

But if you’re a discovery writer aka pantser (like me), we prefer to go light on the details and to figure it out as we go. I think of objectives more as lampposts. I can sort of see the next one in the distance, but the path between two is dark. I know what’s in the middle only after I’ve written the words.

An example of my own lampposts might look something like this (based off of Book 1 of Land of Szornyek, Tentacles and Teeth:

  • Askari fights a monster alone.

  • She fights another monster, but with other people.

  • She disobeys an order.

  • Punishment involves getting temporarily kicked out.

  • Alone for a while, fights more monsters.

  • Friends show up.

  • Completes terms of punishment with help.

  • Returns to find her community in trouble.

  • Fights to save community.

Plot isn’t that scary.

I must admit that I found plot to be one of the most overwhelming concepts in writing before I really started to dive in. And once I get up to my neck in it, I still found it overwhelming. The one thing I wish someone had said to me before I started was: “There is no one right way to plot a story.”

It kind of seems like a no brainer, looking back. Like, duh Ariele. There’s no one right way to do anything in writing, not even punctuation. So why would there be for plot?

Maybe, if they wanted to be even more helpful, this imaginary person might have added, “It’s okay if one method doesn’t work for you. Try a different one.”

But now that I’ve thrown myself into the deep end in order to learn to swim, I feel a lot more confident about it. Not all of my plots will work or make sense. Not all of them will be equally good. Sometimes I will feel like I know where I’m going and sometimes I won’t.


Ultimately, I think my plotting goals are to take a deep breath, be a little less critical of my work, and trust myself.

After all, someone actually wrote Sharknado. And it got turned into a film. Six of them, to be precise. And has a video game and a comic book series, and a seventh spin-off film.

We got this.

Writing Exercise

Pick a fairy tale, any fairy tale—one that you already know pretty well. Write out a description of the character and their major flaw, the purpose, theme, or endgame of the story, and a few objectives.

If a fairy tale is too easy, try Moby Dick. A Shakespeare play. The book you’re reading right now.

If you want an advanced challenge, do it for your own book—one that you haven’t written yet.

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4 Tips For Igniting Your Creativity When You're Too Stressed To Create

With the world upside down and everyone stressed, being creative seems like a simple way to destress. But how are we supposed to create when we barely have the energy to get out of bed in the morning, make sure the kids get dressed, or take a shower? It’s a paradox: being creative helps to destress, but how are you supposed to be creative when you’re too stressed to create?

Let’s start with a metaphor.

Imagine that you’re camping. Or if you hate camping, imagine that you’re trapped in the woods and you didn’t have any choice in the matter. At any rate, you accidentally let your fire burn down to nothing, and all you have left is one remaining red-hot coal. And then it starts to rain.

That coal is your creativity. And the rain is stress.

hot coal.jpg

I believe that every single one of us was born with a red-hot coal inside of us. Some people ignore their coal, and that’s perfectly fine. Not everybody needs to be creative or feels a connection with the creative part of themselves.

But for those of us who want to be creative as a strategy for reducing stress, our goal is to use that hot coal to build a fire to drive away the rain.

The trick, then, is figuring out how to start a fire in the rain.

Tip #1: Remember that creativity is not productivity.

There is a battle going on right now on the internet: some people are recommending that we use quarantine as an opportunity to be productive, be creative, and to pursue our passions. On the other side of the debate, people are saying, no! We are in the middle of a pandemic! We need to give ourselves a break.

The problem is that this is a circular debate where both sides are right sometimes, and wrong sometimes. It really depends on the person and it can even vary day to day. Sometimes I wake up raring to go; other times, I wake up hating everything. Whether or not it is a day for productivity or a day for self care depends on me and only me.

Creativity often falls under the category of self-care. But I think it also sometimes feels like it falls under the category of productivity. Because “to create” and “to produce” are synonyms.

But creativity and productivity are NOT the same thing.

So what is creativity then, if not productivity?

Creativity is simply the use of your imagination.

Annotation 2020-05-04 121858.jpg

Perhaps painting is about producing something. Perhaps making music is about producing something. Perhaps writing is about producing something. Every single art form may end up with a product of some kind, but it starts with creativity. And creativity is not about producing anything.

Think of it this way: You can use your fire to cook food, but it’s still a fire even when you’re not cooking.

You can be a wonderful, beautiful, creative soul, with a blazing fire that never goes out—and never produce a single thing.

At it’s core, creativity is about what goes on in your head, and nothing else.

Tip #2: Start small.

Let’s say you have an actual hot coal and you want to start an actual fire. I’m being literal here, but will soon shift into metaphor again, don’t worry.

How do you do it? How do you start (or restart) a fire from a hot coal? Simple.

Watch this guy do it:

The answer: you feed it.

The trick, however, is in what you feed it with. Don’t feed it logs. Logs won’t work. Don’t feed it metal or water or an entire tree.

The trick is to feed it something tiny, something flammable, and something that is going catch fire really, really, really easily. Like twigs, dried leaves, or pieces of paper. And you do this until the flames are big enough to add slightly bigger twigs, and eventually logs.

I will repeat it: you start a fire by using something that will burn easily.

The keyword here is “EASILY.” When it comes to creativity, what is easy for you is different than what is easy for someone else. So if someone says, “this activity is guaranteed to get your creative juices flowing!” they’re probably wrong.

I’ve brainstormed a list of a bunch of things that have helped me add little dry twigs to my fire at different times over the course of my life. I’ve split the list into writing-related things, and non-writing related things.

Some of these things may work for you. Others may sound stupid. Perhaps none of these things will work for you.

The key here is to do a little brainstorming of your own. Think back over the course of your life. What sorts of things have you done to inspire creativity? what has worked for you? And if you can’t think of anything, then conveniently, here’s a list. Work your way through it one item at a time and see if anything sparks.

Non-Writing Examples

  • Do a Sudoku or a crossword puzzle.

  • Watch a show or documentary or movie that you would never watch. If you’re feeling up to it, take notes on anything that interests you.

  • Color. In an adult coloring book. Or a kid’s coloring book. The wall. Whatever you feel like.

  • Bake or cook something new.

  • Take pictures of things. Like birds or trees or your kids. The act of looking for moments to photograph is an excellent creative exercise.

  • Do a kid’s craft.

  • Draw a picture.

  • Go for a walk and making a list of all the green things you see. Or the square things. Or the upside-down things. (Text a friend and ask for an adjective of things to look for.)

  • Daydream. Invent a realistic or completely unrealistic scenario.

  • Try a new activity. Paint along with a Bob Ross video. Try a new exercise video. Browse Youtube for ideas.

  • Plant something.

  • Identify a problem. Any problem. And solve it.

  • Teach your dog a new trick.

  • Knit something. Sew something. Crochet something. Create art in a different medium than your preferred one.

Writing-Specific Examples

You’ve probably heard most of these before. I know for me, as a professional writer, I tend to ignore generic writing prompts or dismiss them a stupid or as a waste of time. Like freewriting. I personally really hate it. But when I get into a funk, sometimes these are the only things that can get me out of it.

  • Freewrite.

  • Do a writing prompt. Use an online generator. Like this one.

  • Make a list or a list poem.

  • Read an article or book about writing.

  • Try writing in a format that you’ve never tried before. Change the fonts. Maybe by hand instead of a computer. Maybe try plotting, instead of discovery writing or vice versa. Try a new genre.

  • Start a daily journal.

  • Pick a new word a day to learn.

  • Read a new thing—book, blog, article.

  • Offer to read a friend’s work; say only positive things about it and try to draw inspiration from them [note: do not plagiarize].

  • Draw a picture of your work in progress or a scene from it. Photoshop a scene from your book. Surf stock photos and find one to inspire a new scene.

  • Write one word a day for two weeks and see if you can turn it into a poem.

  • Write down a dream that you had.

I could literally come up with these all day.

The thing to remember, whether you’re trying a writing-specific activity or a non-writing-specific strategy is that it is OKAY to do it badly. You’re not trying to prove anything or be better than anyone else or write the next great American novel.

You’re trying to feed your fire.

Tip # 3. Break it down.

One problem I’ve had repeatedly throughout the course of my life is that writing projects are just so BIG. I once calculated that for every book I write, I spend roughly 300 or more hours on the drafting, editing, and publishing of it. And this is a recent number, after years and years of practice and millions of words drafted. 300 hours seems like so many. A whole novel or memoir seems like so much!

It used to be I couldn’t even write a couple hundred words in an hour—but now my new record is 1200 words in 20 minutes. This is after years and years of focused and deliberate practice (not to mention, I learned to type before my brain finished developing). But even that, which is pretty epic if I do say so myself, is still only a tiny fraction of an entire novel.

One trick you can use is to break it down into the tiniest steps you can. One word at a time is a little bit too small, but if you write a paragraph a day, or 50 words a day, slowly a story will start to emerge.

You don’t have to write 1k per day, or 1.6k (like during Nanowrimo). Perhaps you don’t even start with words—you start with a plot point, or an drawing of a plot point. Or perhaps, since we’re trying to ignite a coal here, start with a smaller project. Write a short story. Write a poem. Pick a smaller goal.

I’m going to bring back the fire metaphor. You don’t dump a log on a coal. You add some sawdust first, or some paper. You build a little log cabin or tee-pee out of twigs. Then you add slightly bigger sticks, and slightly bigger ones again. Then small logs. Then medium logs. Then log-sized logs. And once you’re there, if you have entire trees you want to burn? Maybe then you can give it a go.

*NOTE: I do not recommend burning actual trees. It’s much safer to cut them into log-sized pieces first. It’s also helpful if you let them dry out first. I also don’t recommend burning anything unless it’s done in a safe way, and you have water handy should it get out of control. Also, please don’t burn down buildings, and check all local regulations before making bonfires. And please keep in mind, the fires I’m talking about here are METAPHORICAL. Remember… Only YOU can prevent forest fires. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Tip #4. Don’t rush.

One thing I’ve found, is that sometimes I just desperately want to be creative, so I create something just for the sake of creating.

Sometimes, this is perfectly fine and it gets me into the state of mind I need to be in. Other times, I feel like crap and hate whatever I created and then I just get grumpy and watch TV instead.

But if I take it slow and really think about what I’m doing, I never feel bad about it—even if it doesn’t turn out to be my greatest work.

A few tips on taking it slow:

  • Plan a chunk of time, if you can. If you spend three hours writing and only write a hundred words? That’s perfectly fine.

  • Do something unplanned or unplotted. An example of this is that I like to make quarantine art. I don’t visualize what it will look like ahead time—I just draw one line at a time until I make a picture. Discovery writing is another form of this. Don’t know what’s coming next? Perfect. Just write one word at a time and see what happens.

  • Conversely, plan out the whole process of a thing before you do it. Write it all down, step by step, scene by scene. Draw yourself a map so you know exactly where you’re going.

  • Above all, forgive yourself for not being productive or creating something that looks like crap. It’s not a competition. It’s not Keeping Up With The Joneses. It’s not about becoming a millionaire or famous. It’s about feeding the fire.

I think if I want to end with anything, it’s the idea that as creators, we need to take care of ourselves first. And what that looks like is going to vary from person to person.

You may need to watch a lot of TV and take baths. Do it.

You may need to go for a lot of walks and do a lot of mediation. Do it.

You may need to force yourself through a project you don’t feel like. Do it.

You may need to stop working on a project that is difficult and try something new. Do it.

You may need to do writing exercises or meet with your writing friends (virtually). Do it.

You may need to focus on a different form of art, like painting or music or dance. Do it.

You may need to give yourself time to breathe or grieve or focus on your family or work. Do it.

Your red-hot creative coal is not going anywhere, and it will never go out. It will always be there, whenever you’re ready to feed it.

hot fire.jpg

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Monster Encyclopedia: Hamis

The hamis often looks quite… nice. Soft, even. They are shapeshifters and disguise themselves as innocent, non-combative creatures. Hamis have been seen in the shape of birds, sheep, cats, and less harmless gargs. They then ingratiate themselves into a flock or group, and shift into the more powerful, deadly version of themselves to feast. In this form, they are incredibly difficult to kill. They have a solid exterior skin that functions as armor, a long snout, and vicious teeth.


Their favorite method is to sneak into an enclosed area where their prey can’t escape, or have difficulty doing so, and then kill and consume everything they can reach. They can go long periods of time without eating, and then they glut.

If you encounter one, your best bet is to kill it when in its disguise form. They’re still tougher to kill than your average sheep or bird, but its much easier to take care of than when they’ve shifted back into their teeth and armored form.

Recommendation: avoid. If you can’t avoid, aim for the throat.

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Monster Encyclopedia: Gota


This unfortunate creature’s main skill is hiding. It’s second primary skill is absorbing. A gota looks like a large, blobular lump of jello, with tentacles that it can use to grab. It frequently hangs out in tall grasses, intending to trap its meat. If a deer or cow or human accidentally steps into the gel, it sticks. It begins to numb and then slowly suck the prey in.

Its organs float inside, giving it an odd appearance. They are slow moving, but can be difficult to escape from once they’ve latched onto you. In addition, swords, arrows, etc. don’t work well, as they just absorb the weapons. Weapons only work if they hit a key organ, like the brain.


These gargs are disturbing to look at and a bit gross, really. If they are good for anything, no one has figured it out yet. Food, definitely not. Weapons—not as far as anyone can tell. Because the gel causes a numbing sensation, some have suggested that it might have be useful as an anesthetic, but no one has quite figure it out yet.

Recommendation: watch your step!

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