How To Write Taglines For Authors

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Post updated: 5/22/2020

How to do stuff is a concept I've thought a lot about. I've found that in writing, a lot of "how to" advice is really just "how to make it better" and not actually "how to start with nothing and then end up with something."

The same is true of taglines. There are tons of examples of taglines out there, but not really any practical, easily applicable steps for developing your own author tagline.

The catch with a tagline is, of course, the short part. As authors, we're great at writing lengthy and beautiful prose that is engaging, descriptive, and exciting all at once. But writing something that is less than six words long? It's difficult. Especially when you're starting at zero, and especially when you're talking about yourself.

You have to take everything you know about the one thing you know more about than anything else (you) and distill it into six words or less.

Difficult, yes, but thankfully, not impossible.

Writing Taglines For Authors

jurassic park tagline

There is a LOT of advice on what taglines should look like: short, reflective of your personality, catchy, informative, creative, succinct, etc. It should hook a potential reader, be easy to remember, and also be profound and meaningful at the same time. Not to mention unique. Purposeful. And representative of your core message, purpose, and vision.

And since we are writers and, you know, write for a living, writing a tagline should be easy!

Well, it's not.

We know what it should be, and we know a good one when we see it, but where do we get the perfect idea for our own perfect tagline? How do we craft our own tagline that is catchy, unique, and all of the things we mentioned before?

Where do we start?

1. Make a list.

I know, I’m a genius! Just kidding—but I'm serious about the list, though.

Make a list--but not of potential taglines.

Make a list of words or phrases that reflect you and your passions and values. List out things you like about you, things about your books, your favorite words, things you like to think about, things you like to do, anything that helps define you as a person or as an author.

If the tagline is for your blog, make a list of everything that defines your blog as an entity. If it's about your dog--well, you get the picture.

A few types of words or phrases to consider:

  • Colors

  • Descriptions of your writing style or voice (quirky, fast-paced, expletive-riddled, lyrical)

  • Genre-specific words (romance, paranormal romance, avant-garde)

  • Personality traits of you

  • Brand descriptions

  • Things that inspire you (dogs, the universe, ideas, imagination, religion, nature)

This is a similar exercise to what you might do if you were trying to map your author brand or brainstorming a vision or mission.

Here is an example of what my list might look like: 

universe quirky stars space space travel astronaut books science fiction science trees bare feet planets fiction parallel worlds humor dirt petrichor rain weather leaves seasons hiking cats love fur writer sun green screwdriver reading books books books unicorn sheep oliphant sky clouds flying monsters apocalypse exploration a new perspective upside-down

If you are having difficulty coming up with words or concepts, never fear. Try out a few of these strategies:

Ask someone.

It’s a simple concept, but it can often help generate ideas you might not have thought of. The trick is, however, don’t ask someone to write a tagline for you (copyright might get tricky there). Instead, ask for words that describe you or for help brainstorming what your brand might look like.

You could try posting one of those Facebook posts that says "write one word about how we met" or "write one word that you think best describes me!"

Ask people how they would define your work or your identity from a distance--ask copy editors, other authors and professionals that you interact with who know of you but don't know you that well. Ask them what is unique about you. Everyone has different ideas, and you never know what ideas about you someone will have that will trigger the perfect tagline.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to ask outright, go back and look at comments people have made about work you’ve shared in the past. Maybe you remember comments a member of your writer’s group made. Read through your positive reviews on Amazon or Goodreads. Go back and sift through old emails, Facebook posts, messages, and comments on old blog posts to see how other people have described or talk about your work.

Make art.

Still struggling? Make some art. After all, sometimes the words just get in the way.

Instead of trying to write a tagline, try drawing a tagline. Painting. Scribbling. Making a sculpture tagline. Dancing a tagline. Focusing your creative energies elsewhere can help guide you towards whatever you are looking for.

Then, try to use words to describe the art that you made.

When I was working on my tagline, I went on this ink painting kick. I painted probably 25 pictures of rain and grass and planets and stars and alien creatures. It was fun. If I did it now, I absolutely still would have painted a planet or tried to construct a weird-looking nebula out of wire and pom-poms.

It's about letting your ideas flow without forcing them into a structure, and allowing your subconscious mind guide you towards the right ideas.

Trigger a memory.

Sometimes the thing you are looking for (in this case, the tagline) is already in your head--you just need a way to dig it out. This is a strategy I use frequently for all different types of brainstorming.

Basically, I look at things I have written or created and use those to remind me of past experiences or ideas with the goal of triggering the thought that has been eluding me. For example, I might flip through old sketchbooks, read old short stories, or read my own published work. My journal often provides me with something to focus on that is raw and personal.

The key to this one is to NOT go looking at other people's work. It's not their ideas that matter--it's yours! So if you're trying to think of a tagline, don't go reading other author's taglines, because then all you'll be able to do is think of how awesome theirs is and how much you wish yours could be as cool as theirs. Instead, go read your own work until something triggers the awesome tagline you've been searching for.

Free write.

I’ll be honest—I’m not a huge fan of free writing. I get bored and antsy. I actually have pages and pages of free writing about how much I hate free writing from several workshops I’ve done where they make you free write at the beginning and the end.

That said, it is a strategy that actually works. The trick for me is having a purpose behind it, and looking for a tagline is a great purpose.

Grab a notebook or your computer, set an alarm for 15 or 20 minutes, and then write whatever comes into your head until the alarm goes off. This one is hard for me, because in 15 minutes I can write 600 words of gibberish, and it can take a while to sort through. But often, somewhere in that gibberish, is the thing that I've been looking for.

This strategy essentially allows your subconscious to direct the words, and if you've already told it you're looking for a tagline, hopefully it will take you in that direction. And hey, who knows, maybe you'll solve a major plot hole while you're at it!

2. Play with the tagline.

I’m going to assume that at this point you have a pretty extensive list of words and phrases. The next step is to play with them. Interact with them in some way that is more than just staring at them.

For example, you could put them on post-it notes on a wall somewhere, so you can move them around. you could draw them in fancy lettering or write them in calligraphy. You could put them on a white or chalk board. Throw them onto PowerPoint slides or into a new Photoshop project. Sing them or say them over and over again. Make a vision board using the words cut out of magazines. Make a word map.

word cloud

The trick is to manipulate yourself into slowing down, into experiencing the words, to let them simmer in your mind, to let your subconscious parse out any associations, feelings, or thoughts you might have about the words. Don’t rush. Take your time.

As you interact with the words, eliminate any that you don't like, or add ones you didn't think of before.

Ask yourself:

  • Does this word feel right?

  • Do I think this word is boring or interesting?

  • Does this word truly represent my whole brand, or just a part of it?

  • Do I like this word?

  • Is there another similar word that might work better (the thesaurus is a great tool for this)?

  • What imagery does this word evoke?

  • What other words do I think of when I see this word?

As you’re doing this exercise, don’t worry about what other people might think. It doesn’t matter if a word is cool or interesting or boring or dumb to someone else. The only person whose opinion matters is yours.

Eventually, you should narrow it down into just a few words. Don’t throw away the rest of the list—keep it, in case you need to swap things out or change things up.

Next, it’s time to use the words that you’ve selected.

3. Write a phrase.

You have a small group of words that you like.

Now write a sentence or a phrase using those words. Then write another. And another.

Write as many sentences as you can using just those words. If you narrowed it down too much, go back to your idea list and pull out a couple of other ideas to widen your scope. Maybe you eliminated all verbs during the elimination phase and you need to go back and grab one or two. Maybe you want to throw in an adverb to create some punch.

This process is hard. It can take a while.

Sometimes, however, you hit on exactly the right phrase. Like magic.

Let’s go back to my list for a minute. I’ve eliminated a few based on the process above:

universe quirky stars space space travel astronaut books science fiction science trees bare feet planets fiction parallel worlds humor rain love writer green reading sky clouds flying monsters apocalypse exploration a new perspective upside-down

I might write a few sentences that look like this:

  • Upside down fiction with quirky humor

  • Quirky books about parallel worlds

  • Flying through a universe of trees and monsters

  • New perspectives on the universe

  • Exploring the universe through upside-down fiction

  • Barefoot fiction—a new perspective on the universe

Or, the tagline I ended up keeping: In love with the universe.

Take as long as you need with this step. Really play with the words. Think about them. Add in new words, eliminate old ones. If you hate everything, never fear. You can always go back to the drawing board and start from scratch. Or pull in a writer or marketing friend to help.

Also remember that your tagline doesn’t have to be forever. You can write one now, and write a new one six months from now, or a year from now. I know we want a tagline that will represent us forever, but the truth is, we can do whatever we need to in order to strengthen our brand.

Don’t feel trapped, but do take your time.

4. Analyze the taglines.

You’ve generated some ideas. You’ve got one or two or five or twenty potential taglines that you like.

Maybe you've decided you want it to focus on the universe (as I did) or on romance or on humor or uniqueness or on your soul.

It’s time to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Which of these concepts leaps out at me the most?

  • What are its weaknesses? Strengths?

  • Why this concept? Why this direction? Why is it important?

  • How does this relate to me? To my books?

  • In what ways can I expand this idea to encompass future work?

  • Where will I use this tagline? On my website? Banners? Marketing materials? Book covers? A tattoo?

  • Is there any way I can make this better?

  • Why this word in particular? Why this action?

  • How can I change this idea?

  • What's missing?

  • What can I get rid of?

  • Does it describe me? Does it describe my work?

  • Does it clarify my brand?

Don’t feel like you have to go through all of the questions, and of course, you can always ask different questions that are more relevant to you. What’s important is for you to feel confident that you’ve selected a tagline that truly represents you and your brand.

As a side note—your second and third favorite taglines can still be used! Maybe you use them to describe a specific series or as a secondary tagline you put on your website or elsewhere. Just because you’ve selected one, doesn’t mean you can’t put the others to good use.

5. Use your tagline.

Once you've got your tagline, USE IT! Test it. Wear it. Try it on for size. Remember that just like anything else, a tagline does not have to be permanent. You can always update it or change it as you and your business grow and evolve.

Try making a couple teaser images for Instagram with the tagline on it. Maybe you end up experimenting with two—one for your books, one for your blog. Post them where people can see them. Maybe you make a new Facebook banner image with the tagline, or go around adding it into your various bios and descriptions on social media.

Once you start using it, you can see how it feels, see how you like it, and see if people respond.

One recommendation I will make is this: don’t directly ask people what they think. Maybe one or two close confidants, but don’t post it on Facebook and ask, “What do you think of my new tagline?” A lot of times, people will tell you exactly what they think, but their opinions are not necessarily useful. Taglines are a subtle, psychological tactic. What matters more is how it impacts people.

If you really want public feedback, I recommend instead posting something like, “Drafted my new tagline today! Excited to start using it. [tagline]” and let people respond. Then, if someone gives you feedback you think has value, great, use it. But otherwise, you can disregard any less-than-useful comments quite simply, since you never asked for feedback in the first place.

6. Sleep on it.

I think this is an important step. Giving a new tagline time to stew can help you refine it. Clean it up. Craft it to perfection. Sometimes, the words all start to jumble and fuzz together as you’re working, and this can give your brain a little extra processing time.

Not to mention, you might wake up the next day and realize that the tagline is completely wrong for XYZ reasons—or completely right.

There are over a million words in the English language. Your tagline is in there somewhere.

Give it time, give it thought, and give it love, and I have no doubt that you can create a tagline that is the ultimate tagline for you.

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If taglines gave effective descriptions...

If taglines gave effective descriptions...

Defeating the Self-Defeatist Brain Monster

Before I get started on the Self-Defeatist Brain Monster I wanted to start with something positive. I know I mentioned them before, but now the set is complete and they look amazing!


In celebration, The Wounded World is FREE this week on Amazon!! Grab your copy today!

Anyway, what I really want to talk about today is being inspired. There are different types of inspiration. For example, people ask me all the time, "Where do you get your ideas?" That's one kind. Then there is the magical lightning bolt from Zeus that magically tells you what art to create. That's another kind. Then there is the kind that is the little things that just sort of help you keep taking the right steps towards achieving your goals. 

I don't know where my ideas come from mostly. Sometimes I see a word and it makes me feel different. I don't think I've ever been struck by lightning, though there is still plenty of time for that. But I have begun to learn to seek the third type of inspiration everywhere I look. 


There are many ways to get set back when pursuing a dream. For example, going months on end with out a single download of my book--it's rough. Someone saying, "I just haven't had time to read your book" repeatedly, when you would rather they just never talked about it at all unless they had good things to say can be extremely frustrating. A negative review can be thoroughly debilitating, even if it provides solid and helpful feedback. 

And then there is the Self-Defeatist Brain Monster--it says things like, "well if no one buys the book then it must suck" (even though, perhaps it's my marketing skills that need work, not the book), or it says, "if you can't get the first three books to sell, why are you bothering to write a fourth one?" (even though I know, intellectually, that the most famous authors of all didn't make it with their first book). It says "that negative review of your book was right!" "You'll never make a living doing this." "You should probably quit while you're ahead." Etc., etc. 

We've all been there in one form or another. So we have to do something to fight the set-backs, whether real or imagined. I have a few strategies, and to be honest, they don't always work all of the time. Sometimes none of them work. And in those cases, I just have to keep pushing forward, one step at the time, and hope that time will defeat the Brain Monster for me.

But the first thing I like to do is notice something. I know, vague. But one day a couple of weeks ago I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed, so I convinced myself that going for a walk would be a good idea ("A short walk, though!" says the Brain Monster. "You wouldn't want to enjoy yourself too much when you have work to do"). It was rainy, and I walked by a bush with perfectly shaped droplets of water hanging from the branches. When you looked through them, you could see the whole world in them, but upside down.

It made me happy. And when I went back to work I was a little less tired and a little less stressed. The Brain Monster suddenly started having trouble hanging onto me, and for just a few minutes, it slipped and fell. The world is amazing, if we take the time to look at it. The Self-Defeatist Brain Monster hates that stuff though.

Another strategy is to focus on past successes. I have a couple of ways of doing this. For example, if I accidentally read a bad review of my work (prime feeding material for the Self-Defeatist Brain Monster), I will then go and read all of the positive reviews, and then go read negative reviews of my favourite books by other authors, and it just helps to put the one bad review in context. The Brain Monster hates context. I mean haaaates it. Another thing I do is that every time I receive a new hard copy of a book in the mail, I write myself a little, encouraging note. Then, if I'm feeling like a failure later, I will go back and read them, and try to remember the excitement I felt when it first came in the mail. 

A third strategy I use is to know my limits (still working on this). The Brain Monster says things like, "you just have to have a thick skin!" or "you just need to spend more time on it," or just, "it's not good enough until you edit it one more time." But the truth is, your skin is only as thick as it is. You only have as much time as you have. And sometimes I find myself needing to step back and say, "I can't do this anymore." That doesn't mean I can't do anything anymore--just maybe this one thing, or meet this deadline, or read these negative reviews. One thing I have stepped back from is reading reviews: it's fun to read the good ones, but I've learned that for me personally, they don't outweigh the negatives. Instead, I have Josh read them and give me whatever valid feedback is in them, or read them to me out loud if he thinks it would be good for me to hear. I let him make judgments on them, but I don't read them myself. The Brain Monster hates that, and Josh, too--he's too encouraging and supportive.

My last strategy (for today--there are lots more!) is to laugh. Sounds simple. Sounds kind of dumb. But it makes such a huge difference. Laughing for just a minute can ease up so much stress and pressure and the feelings of failure and send the Self-Defeatist Brain Monster scrambling away with his tail between his legs. Sometimes all I do is watch a funny Youtube Video, or tell myself a really dumb joke, or read amusing cat memes on the internet. But every attempt helps.

I think we all have a Self-Defeatist Brain Monster, though some of us are better at ignoring it than others. It's up to us to actively work towards our future, despite the most concerted efforts of the Brain Monster.

Just be like Carl: 


9 Things About Babies From A Non-Baby Human

My best friend is having a baby next month. I have named him Chainsaw. I think it is a beautiful name, perfectly suited to a child of his stature and upbringing. I'm sure it will stick. Even on the birth certificate and everything.

As a result of the upcoming event, I have been doing a lot of reading up on babies and parenthood and all of that stuff and I have learned that it is quite difficult to be a parent, while apparently quite rewarding. It is very messy and very beautiful. It is not the same for everyone. Every kid is different. Every parent is different. Every situation is different. Being a parent means you have to keep on your toes, always be adapting to new and unexpected situations, but always be consistent and fair...

Anyway. There's a lot of stuff to learn. Luckily I'm not the one that has to learn it. 

I've heard the story of my birth about a bajillion times, and the story of Josh's a couple of times, and I've heard other people's stories. There's something about the baby years that make people talk and relive those moments over and over, despite the stress and mess and fuss. But I don't remember it myself. I'll have to take notes when Chainsaw arrives. But that means that all of my thoughts come from a non-baby human perspective.

What I think is that babies can be quite hilarious.

Here are 10 things I have learned about babies during my research. After I've spent a little time with Chainsaw, I will probably update this. But, here's what I've got for now:

1. Babies make us laugh.

Listen to the baby.

Listen to the baby.

Hahaha this baby is so mean. But also is telling the truth.

Hahaha this baby is so mean. But also is telling the truth.

It's the truth.

It's the truth.

2. Babies see the world with new eyes.



Nope! Surprise!

Nope! Surprise!

3. Babies are always willing to try new things.

Most of us still haven't really figured this out yet. Except pianists.

Most of us still haven't really figured this out yet. Except pianists.

4. Babies ask interesting questions.

Good question. Still a mystery.

Good question. Still a mystery.

Wait'll you meet Santa.

Wait'll you meet Santa.

5. Babies are more like us than we might admit.

Yup. Your future has been decided!

Yup. Your future has been decided!

Definitely innocent.

Definitely innocent.

6. Babies get excited about the most amazing things.

I feel the same way about watermelon.

I feel the same way about watermelon.


7. Babies are opinionated.

I've come to the conclusion that it's definitely an improvement. Definitely.

I've come to the conclusion that it's definitely an improvement. Definitely.

That never changes. Well, I don't know--maybe after you have kids it does. Yes, definitely.

That never changes. Well, I don't know--maybe after you have kids it does. Yes, definitely.

8. Babies don't judge (very much-- it's basically just: mom vs not mom).


9. Babies make weird faces.

batman baby

And there you have it. 9 things about babies. What is your favourite thing about babies?

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The State of Graphospasm - 8 Ways To Combat Writer's Block

Now technically, graphospasm is the cramping of your thumb and forefinger, making it literally impossible to write. However, I like to think of the word in a more figurative sense--as a metaphor for writer's block.

At first I thought this was a picture of a severed hand, but I think it's probably just like, a fake hand? I don't know though--you tell me.

At first I thought this was a picture of a severed hand, but I think it's probably just like, a fake hand? I don't know though--you tell me.

Lots of people have writer's block. They say they can't think of any words, they don't have any ideas, they don't know what to write. I understand this feeling. But I think it helps to think of writer's block as graphospasm. As a muscle spasm.

What do you do when you get a muscle cramp? You stretch it. You eat a banana. Massage the muscle. Ice. Take a bath. 

Guess what: those are the same strategies for dealing with writer's block!

I know, it sounds ridiculous. But here are my 7 strategies for dealing with writer's block like a pro.

1. Stretch it.

All the pictures I could find in the Internet archive of people stretching were of white men. Go figure. Uh oh, is my feminism showing?

All the pictures I could find in the Internet archive of people stretching were of white men. Go figure. Uh oh, is my feminism showing?

By "it" I mean your brain. Stretching is less literal when it comes to your mental muscles, but no less helpful. But what does that look like? Simple. It looks like writing something else, preferably outside of your comfort zone. Use an online idea generator or try writing a short story or a poem in a genre you're not used to. Try picking a random word from the dictionary and finding a way to use it in your project. Maybe even try telling your story with a different medium--paint or sketch or sing or build. Stretch your creative muscles.

2. Eat a banana.

Yes. I know these are pears. Thank you for pointing that out. I couldn't find a banana, okay???

Yes. I know these are pears. Thank you for pointing that out. I couldn't find a banana, okay???

As much as we would love eating to be the solution for everything, I don't necessarily mean you to eat literally. But the whole idea of eating a banana to deal with a muscle spasm is that you are missing a particular nutrient--potassium. So you've got writer's block: what are you missing? Maybe you're story is fine, you're just missing a key component, like a character or a scene or an object. Maybe you're missing knowledge and need to do additional research. Maybe you're missing that one word that will catapult you from not writing to explosive writing. Maybe it's actually something in your environment--go get a cup of tea or a cat. Ask yourself: What am I missing?

3. Ice it.

It's 3 degrees outside right now--I opted to not go to the office. My bed is warmer and filled with cats... and they are all bathing themselves simultaneously.

It's 3 degrees outside right now--I opted to not go to the office. My bed is warmer and filled with cats... and they are all bathing themselves simultaneously.

One thing I've found that prevents me from making progress with my writing is when I'm writing with the wrong tone. If I'm feeling sad or depressed, that's not the time for me to be writing humor--it comes out sounding flat and boring. When I'm hyper, serious stuff tends to come out sounding absurd or over-the-top cheerful. Consider switching projects to match your mood, or switch the tone of your story to match it's mood. Ice, ice, monster.

4. Massage.



Okay, in this case, a massage could actually help. Sometimes, a set amount of relaxation can juice those creative muscles. But for those of us who can't afford to just go out and get a massage whenever we feel like it, it's time for us to massage our brains a little bit. I like to call this the "one word at a time" strategy.

Here's how it works: you're in the middle of a story or a chapter or a sentence. You have no idea what to write. So write just one word. Just one. That's all. Then, write a second word. Easy, right? Now write a third word. Keep writing one word at a time, until you get over the hump. This is the strategy I use the most often, as it's the easiest to use and gets me over my writer's block the quickest. Seriously, try it.

5. Take a bath. 

I had to decide between this and the Star Spangled Banner.

I had to decide between this and the Star Spangled Banner.

This is a good way to waste time, unless you are capable of actually working while in the bathtub. But what is a bath, actually? It is the process of immersing something in water. So try immersing yourself in something besides your current project. For example, put different music on. Let yourself drown in it. Take your notebook outdoors and write under the stars or the sun (which is just a really bright, specific star). Research a topic that is totally unrelated to your project. Immerse your mind in something and let it help you focus and recharge. 

Note: do not use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any nonsense like that. Do not use random searching. Be smart: focus.

6. Drink water. 

Does anyone know what the pieces of paper on the milk bottles are for?

Does anyone know what the pieces of paper on the milk bottles are for?

This one is literal. As in, actually go drink water. Not soda. Not tea. Not coffee. Not wine. Not pineapple juice. Water. H20. Sometimes dehydration can make it difficult to think and the best way to cure that issue is to drink water. Waaaaater. DRINK IT.

It is also figurative. The water of a writer is accountability. We all need goals, but we need something or someone keeping us in check and making sure we are working towards our goals. For writer's with fans, sometimes dipping into your fan base is sufficient accountability. For those without a fan base, you might need an accountability partner. I don't recommend using a spouse for this. Find a friend--someone online, someone locally, another writer--who will help keep you moving towards your goals. 

7. Take a painkiller.

If you need a painkiller, I recommend Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen-- not random bottles you find in an old basement.

If you need a painkiller, I recommend Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen-- not random bottles you find in an old basement.

Once again, not literal. Sometimes if I get burned out on a project, working on it is the last thing I want to do. Even when I try, I feel like i don't have anything to say--i.e. writer's block. So I work on something I'm excited about. It might be a novel or a short story or a poem or a blog post. It might be silly. It might be a random writing prompt. It might be a letter I've been dying to write to my grandmother. Whatever it is, the idea is that it helps reignite my passion for writing--it reminds me what exactly I love so much about it. Then, when I go back to my other project, I feel refreshed. 

The catch is that you still have to get the first project done. Most over-the-counter painkillers only work for 4 hours, so set a time limit and then hit your first project again with new passion and excitement.

8. Go to the doctor.

My handwriting looks like this too, so it's not just a phenomenon of the medical community.

My handwriting looks like this too, so it's not just a phenomenon of the medical community.

We exist in communities for a reason. Sometimes, it's so we can have someone tell us that yes, that excruciating pain is appendicitis. Sometimes, it's so our mom can roll her eyes as we complain, yet again, about that problem we haven't solved yet. Sometimes it's so we don't have to grow our own food or homeschool our own children or change our own oil. And sometimes, it's so someone else can drag us out of the rut called writer's block. 

If you're having trouble writing, sometimes all you need is to chat with another writer. Or group of writers. Call one up, meet one for coffee, or just chat online. It can be like magic.

Here's what I think.

Writer's "block" can be extremely difficult to deal with. It can be frustrating and overwhelming. But by thinking of it as a mental muscle spasm, then it ceases to be an excuse for not writing, and rather a condition that can be treated and dealt with. Don't let writer's block stop you from writing. Find a solution.

I also recognize that not all of these strategies work all the time. But that's no reason to not do anything. Pick something. Try it. And get on the proverbial horse.

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**All images are from the Internet Archive on Flickr.

FREE E-BOOKS ARE OF THE DEVIL (or are they...?)

Once upon a time I met an author at a Comic Con. He was friendly, but after about thirty seconds of casual conversation asked me, "How much do you charge for your e-books?" 

"$2.99," I said. "The standard."

Well. These were the magic words to learning all about the chip on his shoulder.

"$2.99 is TOO LOW a price for ANY book! It's practically free!" he exclaimed. "Authors work hard--you work hard, spend hours and hours writing these books, and selling it for such an absurdly low price is ridiculous!"

I didn't know what to say. On one hand, he had a point--authors do work hard and spend their own money and deserve to get paid fairly for their work. On the other hand, he had just out-and-out insulted me about my personal choices on how to price my own products. Thankfully, I didn't need to say anything:

"And authors who give their books away for free--they're ruining it for the rest of us!" he continued. "They are shaping the consumer's expectation that they shouldn't have to pay for books, that entertainment is cheap! Well, I think books should cost at least $6, e-book or not! And I've never charged less than $5.99 for any of my books and neither should you! And usually I charge $9.99 or $11.99 for e-books."

Well, sometimes I do the opposite of what people want (it's in my genes) and so I gave my book away for free this weekend. The Clock Winked (free til Feb 3!) had so many downloads, that it listed as a free bestseller in five different categories. I got new Facebook likes, new newsletter subscribers, new G+ followers, new Twitter subscribers, and a whole bunch of sales of my other books. It was an exciting weekend, to say the least.


The thing about "not giving books away for free" or "practically free" is a conceptual debate that I get into with myself a lot. On one hand, like the kind gentleman said, I did a lot of work on my books and I want to get paid for them--right? On the other hand, giving books away for free is a great promotional tool that could lead to new readers who will hopefully buy my other books--right?

I think sometimes it comes down to the way it is and the way it isn't. If this issue was important enough to me, I would start a crusade, build a website, create a union, and get other authors on my side. "NO MORE FREE BOOKS," is what our picket signs would say. "AUTHORS NEED FOOD TOO!" I would try to change things--I wouldn't just list my books too high and complain when they didn't sell that "it's not fair."

But it's not that important to me, and this is the way things are. Authors work their butts off to pursue their passion. They sell their books cheap. Sometimes they give them away for free. Readers like free e-books. Readers like cheap e-books. And so here we are, working in the system we live in. Being self-employed in the system we live in.

Being self-employed is a risky business, and sometimes those risks involve giving things away for free. Look at TD Bank. They give away so many pens it's probably an environmental hazard. Every business in town has TD Bank pens--soon we'll be drowning in them.

I made this graphic myself. Can you tell? ;)

I made this graphic myself. Can you tell? ;)

I just want to say that while,  yes, there are plenty of things to complain about in the system we live in, there are plenty of things to be grateful for, too. Not 20 years ago, women writers used male or initial pen names because books by women didn't sell. We still need to work on this, but it's getting better. Not fifteen years ago, it was almost impossible to be successful as a self-published author, without being extraordinarily wealthy or buying equipment and building your own publishing company. Not ten years ago, authors who decided to be self-published were considered frauds, fakes, and not worth reading. Not five years ago, self-published authors were barely shedding the negative stereotypes associated with self-publishing, and still floundering trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.

Now we have resources upon resources, massive networks of authors and readers there to support each other, and access to whatever we need to accomplish our goals. We don't need a publishing company, we just need the support of each other. We don't need to be experts at marketing, we just need a few strategies that work. Like giving away our books. For free.

It's the author's choice whether or not they want to give something away for free. It's the author's prerogative to determine why they want to give something away for free (or not). And here's to a future in which authors respect each other's choices in the matter. 

What does matter is the quality of the e-books that are being produced, and the standards by which we judge them. But that, my friends, is another debate for another time.

In the meantime, we should focus on making the world better for the authors that come  after us.

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