I Started A Video Blog — Ariele Sieling

I Started A Video Blog

During November, some shit went down. There was a controversy within the National Novel Writing Month organization that is as of yet resolved, and so about halfway through, I lost a lot of my typical motivation. That meant I had to get creative.

First I tried ignoring the conflict. I was unsuccessful.

Then I tried making some other challenges. Like bingo. Those were fun, but didn’t really push me toward writing the quantity of words I needed.

Then I decided to make a vlog.

I dunno why. Maybe it’s because I’m a millennial. But I did it one day when I couldn’t focus. And weirdly enough, I liked it.

So I’ve kept it up.

I only have a few episodes, and there’s no guarantee I’ll do it indefinitely. But if you want to listen to me ramble on about my projects, philosophy, my values, and my pets, then by all means, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I’ll occasionally embed them here in my blog, if there’s a topic I want to elaborate on more than I did in the vlog. Otherwise, click here to find the playlist of the ones available so far.

And I did hit 50k words in November, if you were wondering. Win!

Was it the vlog? Maybe. Probably not. But it certainly didn’t hurt.