How to Survive the Apocalypse, Part 2: Tools

Alright, you’ve committed to surviving the apocalypse! Hurray! Now, before you go running into the woods armed with nothing but optimism and a rusty can opener, we need to talk about tools.

Because let’s be honest: "survival" without the right gear is just "delaying death by a few minutes."

The Must-Have tools

There are tools, and then there are tools. The ones that keep you alive. The ones that make life slightly less miserable when civilization is crumbling around you.

Here’s your absolute bare-bones survival kit:

  • Knife (or multi-tool) – A good blade is everything. Cutting, prying, whittling, threatening rival scavengers, stabbing zombies—endless possibilities.

  • Fire starter – Waterproof matches, a lighter, or (if you’re fancy) a ferro rod. You don’t want to be rubbing sticks together like a chump. It’s also good to know how to build a fire that will last. Call a boy scout.

  • Flashlight & Batteries – The apocalypse will be dark. Literally and figuratively, no doubt.

  • Basic first aid kit – Because you will cut yourself. No exceptions. Don’t forget the antibiotic ointment!

  • Water filtration – A Lifestraw, a Sawyer filter, or at least some purification tablets. Maybe even a pot to boil water in. Drinking straight from a random stream is not the survival flex you think it is.

  • Food you don’t have to cook – Canned beans, protein bars, peanut butter. The essentials.

  • Map & Compass – If GPS is down, you’ll wish you had these. (Yes, I know you don’t actually know how to use a compass. Learn now, not when you’re lost in the woods.)

The Nice-to-Have tools (a.k.a. “I’d Rather Not Die Miserably")

These aren’t life-or-death essentials, but they’ll make survival significantly less awful:

  • A solid backpack – Because carrying your apocalypse loot in a Kroger bag is just sad.

  • Tarp or emergency bivvy – Shelter. Rain protection. Improvised sled. Fancy cape. Tons of uses.

  • Hand-crank radio – Staying informed is good. Staying entertained is also good.

  • Duct tape & zip ties – The real MVPs of problem-solving.

  • Portable solar charger – Because deep down, you know you’re still going to want to check your phone.

  • Socks! Several extra pairs if you can swing it. I’m serious. If your socks get wet, your feet get cold. If your feet get cold… you’ll probably die.

The “I’m Either a Genius or a Hoarder” Tools

These tools aren’t strictly necessary, but if you happen to have them, you’ll feel like a post-apocalyptic king:

  • Crowbar – The Swiss Army knife of breaking and entering.

  • Fishing kit – If you’re patient and enjoy eating disappointment.

  • Binoculars – So you can spot trouble before it spots you.

  • Harmonica – Because even in the apocalypse, someone needs to bring the vibes.

Step 4: The One Tool You Can’t Buy

Your brain.

All the gear in the world won’t help you if you don’t know how to use it. Practice now. Start a fire. Purify water. Learn basic first aid. And most importantly, always ask yourself:

Can I actually survive without WiFi?

If the answer is no… well, it’s time to start training.