Hi! If you read my book release newsletter, you'll have learned that I'm doing a free giveaway! Anyone that buys a book from me before December 20th will be entered into a contest to win your own stuffed toy unicorn sheep! He's a cutie patootie, hand-knitted by my very awesome cousin Renee.
Rules for winning are as follows:
- You cannot be my brother, mother, father, or husband.
- You have to buy a book before December 20th.
- It can be a Rutherford the Unicorn Sheep book OR a science fiction novel. I'm not picky :) Click to see the selection.
- I will do the drawing at 5:00 PM Dec 20, EST. Then I will ship it to you the very next day.
- If you buy a book on Amazon, please email me and let me know because Amazon doesn't tell me who those individuals are.
- If you buy a book in person, I will ask you if you want to be entered into the contest and if I forget to ask--REMIND ME! :) Click to see where I will be this month!
- I'd appreciate it, if you are entered into the contest, if you would share the details with your friends. However, I am not going to make it a requirement for winning, because I'm nice like that. If you want to help me out, you're awesome. If you don't, I totally understand (because I don't like doing that stuff either).
- EDIT: For every book you buy, you get an additional entry in the drawing!
Anyway, Happy Holidays from Ariele, Josh, Rutherford the Unicorn Sheep, Wilfred the Walnut Skunk, Goblin, Rowan, and Wilfred! I hope you win!
To sign up for my book release newsletter, click here.
And for your enjoyment: what happens when you try to take pictures of a unicorn sheep with a cat in the house.