Here we are: on the internet. What will you find there? Cats. I mean, it is the internet after all.
There are a million cat stories. Funny cat stories. Sad cat stories. Buzzfeed cat stories. Even boring cat stories that are somehow still interesting. Do you remember that story about that cat that took a nap?
Just google "Cat Nap Meme" and you'll have more than enough "boring" entertainment/procrastination material for the afternoon.
But you know what people don't talk about often enough? Cat feet. No seriously. I think cat feet might be one of the most adorable things on the planet.
Goblin's feet are blue because she walked over a picture I was working on done in soft pastel.
IT'S BRAIN EXPLODINGLY ADORABLE. (I admit I am biased as these are my own cats.)
I mean... look at her face! It's basically perfect--or almost as close as you can get.
I mean, come on! Can it get any cuter???
So, to express my utter love and devotion for cat feet, I have decided to write a sonnet titled, "The Cat Feet Sonnet." After it, I will post numerous photos of cat feet, with the hope that one day, you too will share my love and admiration for their glorious beauty.
The Cat Feet Sonnet
When I consider how cat feet are made,
Like tiny jewels of fluffy lemonade,
With deadly knives that hide so deep within,
I cannot help but think they are akin
To downy pillows if pillows had claws,
Or the inside of a slow loris's jaws,
Or a feather mattress filled with sharp blades,
Or a gentle rainstorm fused with grenades.
But the pitter and patter of cat feet,
The fluff, the soft, and the justice they mete:
There aren't words for the emotions that spread
When I see cat feet stick out of my bed.
The blood, the fear, and the pain that they cause
Is worth a glimpse of those elegant paws.
-By Ariele Sieling**
Pictures of Cat Feet
This is just too... FEET. Beautiful.
Dreaming, Goblin? About high fives?
Paw curl of the gods.
Rowan's paws are so furry they look like she's wearing adorably soft boxing gloves all the time.
I swear it helps me work when he sits on my lap like this! Particularly when he starts writing poetry. A poem by Wilfred goes something like this:
kja;hoijsf; hisofak;lsdjf oh
aifihoj ji;lf;l;ajlkf jkl;
Tell me that's not perfect, and I'll show you the claws.
And there you have it. Cat feet are amazing.
Now, just don't get me started on cat tails. ;)
Bonus Reel: The Lost Stanza
This is a stanza I deleted to make it 14 lines (which apparently is a requirement for Sonnets):
And I liken it to a honey bee
The insect more lovely than a peach tree
Brown fuzz covering it from head to bum
With a sharp stinger to give it aplomb.
**Disclaimer: I used a rhyming dictionary to write this. Also a thesaurus. And my fingers (to count syllables).