Yesterday was National Best Friends Day (apparently this is a real day) and I decided that, to celebrate, I should write a belated post on my best friend, Sarah. I asked her permission and she said, "Sure :) is it going to be as scary as that picture of me? Ha!" I will leave that up to you to judge.
Anyway, Sarah's pretty cool. She has cool hair. And a cool husband. And a cool house. And she sells stuff!
All you folks in upstate NY should go check out her stuff--it's at Mint Velvet in Corning.
Now I'm going to tell a story.
Once upon a time there were two bawling lumps of flesh (called babies in the colloquial) that were born a month apart. Then, three years later, give or take a few months, they met and decided to be friends.
For the next several years they terrorized everyone they came across, from their parents to their brothers to their librarian, by reading a lot, playing dress-up, and building forts. (Now, when I say "several" years, I mostly mean the next 24 years because that's about how long it's been. Speaking of which, it's almost Sarah's birthday and I need to remember it. One of these days I'll put it on my calendar and my phone will remind me so I don't accidentally forget.)
I think it is important to note that these children in question were extremely attractive children. Case in point:
Sarah is on the left; Ariele is on the right; broccoli is in the middle.
They liked to do photo shoots with vegetables, though neither of them can remember why. Here is another one:
Those are some variety of pumpkins. Also my brothers are in this picture.
They also liked to play dress up, play with dolls, and read. Here are the results of their labors:
Yup. Matching dresses. My mom made them. You can check out more by her here.
Also we went to The American Girl Place in Chicago. It was very fun.
Anyway, to make a really long and rambling story short, Ariele moved to NH (eventually) and Sarah got married.
It was a vintage-themed shower so lots of people showed up wearing vintage dresses.
Let me break the 4th wall of this story and pat myself on the back for a minute: I threw Sarah a really fricking awesome wedding shower. I mean, just look at how happy she looks.
I made her open a bajillion presents in less than an hour (at least, that was the goal), via the method of jeopardy and threatened to steal her presents if her party-goers got any of the answers to my jeopardy questions wrong.
Some of the questions may or may not have included, "When did Sarah first cut her hair to look like George from Nancy Drew?" and "How many times has Sarah gotten stung by a bee at Ariele's house?" (Answer: a lot. We call her the bee-attracter because she gets stung just about every time she comes over.)
The end of the story probably won't come for a few more decades, so please stay tuned.
But in the meantime, there are a few things you should know about Sarah:
- She makes good food, particularly out of apples we found on the ground in the woods
- She drinks a lot of smoothies
- She's married to Jordan, an A-list stud
- She does not sing
- She doesn't appreciate it when I give her dirty socks for her birthday
- She's hardcore for Jesus
- She always makes time to hang when I end up in the upstate
- She's a lot like my mom
- I wouldn't trade her for a bajillion dollars
In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I definitely have a best friend worth celebrating on yesterday's beloved and arbitrary internet holiday: "National Best Friends Day."