It's Friday, so I'm going spend the next hour compiling a list of cat memes that in some way or another represent each letter of the alphabet, interspersed with some of the best, most relevant musical numbers from Phineas and Ferb. I came up with this idea in the middle of the night last night--I was dreaming about cats and the alphabet, so, good for me unconscious self.
And with no further ado...
A is for Airplane.
And for some in-flight entertainment.... Phineas and Ferb!
B is for Butter. And Biscuits. And Belly Rubs.
C is for Carl.
I know someone else named Carl.
D is for Dog.
A Platypus would be another useful pet.
E is for Elephant.
F is for Fast.
G is for Grills. And Grandparents.
Grandparents are the best.
H is for Haters.
I is for Invisible.
J is for Jumping.
K is for Keyboard.
L is for Loaf.
M is for Meow. And Mere Cat.
N is for Ninja.
Already too late is right...
O is for Orange.
P is for Pie.
Q is for Quantum Mechanics.
R is for the Red Dot.
Other red things include apples, clown noses, and rubber boots.
S is for Shoes.
More importantly, do the shoes have aglets?
T is for Tacos.
U is for Universe.
Phineas and Ferb go to space, make a moon farm, have a milkshake bar on an asteroid, help save aliens...
V is for Victorian. And Volume.
W is for Wet.
X is for X-Rays.
Y is for You.
Z is for Zombies.
In conclusion, adopt a cat and you will have cool internet pictures and an awesome roommate.