Building An Author Brand That Suits you Template Download

Click here to download the PDF version of the Author Branding Template that goes along with the book, Building An Author Brand That Suits You, available wherever books are sold.

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Branding: a fun, business-y buzzword people use to mean any number of things. In the writing world, everyone says you need to have one, but what that actually looks like varies hugely from author to author.

The truth is, every brand is different, and that's good. But endless options and flexibility can make it difficult to decide how to represent your books publicly. So what is an author brand? And how do you build one? And most importantly, how do you build a brand that both suits your personality and aligns with your books?

In this book, you will learn the components that make up an author brand, which details matter (and which ones don't!), and how to go about making decisions about your author brand. In addition, you will learn how to put yourself first, while simultaneously considering your reader's needs as you develop your brand. This book includes self-assessing tools designed to ease the branding process, including an author branding template.
